Covid 19 Information and Advice
An update from Keysborough South Shopping Centre
These are challenging times and our first priority is the safety and wellbeing of those who visit and work in our shopping centres. We want to let you know what precautions and actions our centre management team is taking to prioritise your wellbeing, whilst managing business continuity in our centre which is regarded as an essential service in the community.
As circumstances relating to COVID-19 continue to develop, we will update our approach to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of our customers, retailers, team, contractors, suppliers and communities remains our highest priority.
Our centre is being cleaned more than usual
We already have very high standards of cleaning and hygiene in place. However, as a precautionary measure, to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, we have increased the frequency of cleaning rotations and sanitisation of high touch points with high grade disinfectant in all our centres. We have also installed hand sanitation stations at the centre entries. We expect our retail partners to adopt the same principles to their cleanliness and hygiene.
Following the advice of health authorities
We continue to take advice from the Department of Health to make sure we are taking all the necessary steps to ensure the ongoing safety of our customers, including additional detailed cleaning in the centre where necessary, and supporting social distancing guidance.
Keeping you updated if there is a case in our centre
If a retail partner becomes aware of any confirmed cases of COVID-19 (or close contact with a confirmed case) within their customer facing teams in our centre, they must contact centre management immediately. We would then work with our retail partner and the relevant health authority to support any required public communication and centre management response.
What you can do to assist?
We remind all customers to practice regular hand washing, use hand sanitiser and cover sneezes or coughs with your arm, not your hands. If you have flu-like symptoms, you should seek your doctor’s advice and rest and recover at home.
Thank you for your support.